The of teams going down from this league can be from zero to three.
My understanding that for regional two (formally level 6) its always 2 down, with the zero to three used at level 7 to ensure the league has 12 teams.
Its in the RFU regs, regulation 6 appendix 2, I've pasted the relevant bit below.
But I could be wrong it won't be the first time I'm wrong and you are right.
Might see you on the 23 March as I plan to be in Brid for the Brid Scarborough game.
4. Principles of Relegation: At the conclusion of the 23-24 Season the following principles of relegation shall apply
National League 2 to Regional 2 inclusive (formerly Levels 4 to 6): the bottom two (2) Clubs in each League will be relegated,
with Clubs relegated from Regional 2 returning to their respective Constituent Body Counties Leagues, unless otherwise
determined by the ROC and approved by the Committee